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Scouse bird with a vodka dependency and an acute sense of social observation. Always self deprecating, always blunt. Follow me on twitter WARNING: Non-scousers may not understand language of this blog.
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Tuesday, 21 May 2013


Due to the stress of having to deal with idiots on a daily basis I developed frown lines and forehead wrinkles from the age of 21. I’d been dying to get Botox but like a lot of people I was priced out, plus I had people saying at 26 I was too young. Well for a start I already had more wrinkles than I was willing to deal with and I didn’t want any more - prevention is better than cure! I first went to Lee in B clinics a couple of years ago from a Groupon deal of all things - the deal was good but when I went I found his prices were lower than others anyway. Lee is a fantastic guy to sit and chat with, he makes you feel so at ease that it’s like going to visit a friend rather than a doctor. He explained that he was one of the first doctors in the country to start doing Botox, so experience wise I trust him implicitly with my visage. The last thing I want is to end up with a wonky face from going to visit some back street beautician who’s syringe happy! I couldn’t be any happier with my treatment, I used to spend hours in the mirror looking at my developing wrinkles, obsessing over them - now they don’t even enter my mind. My facial expressions haven’t been affected, they’re still natural rather than frozen (i.e. I can still snarl me head off). No one would ever know I’d had Botox except for the fact I’m really open about it. If you’re thinking about getting Botox there is no one else I would recommend.



Scouse Bird